The Honest Truth

We are proud to have been accredited an ADI partner with 'The Honest Truth'.
Each year over 825,000 people in the UK pass their driving test and enjoy the freedom and independence of being a driver. However, newly qualified young drivers are by far the highest risk road user group and road crashes are the number one killer of 17-24 year olds in the UK.
The Honest Truth is a national road safety campaign delivered through collaboration with the emergency services, road safety organisations and our accredited driver trainers.
Our mission is to deliver no-nonsense, straight-talking road safety education, hence 'The Honest Truth'.
As a Honest Truth Partner we go the extra mile to better educate the next generation of drivers to empower them to make good decisions.
The campaign's aim is to make young drivers aware of the consequences of risky driving behaviours such as inappropriate speed, not wearing seatbelts, distractions and mobile phone use.
On your first lesson, you will be given a Truth Card. It’s basically a loyalty card style record of which Truths have been delivered. Our trainers simply sign each one off as you go, then when the card is complete, you can upload it to the Honest Truth website for a chance to win some great prizes.
We will be covering the 10 Truths via videos and our truth pack, we also cover the 'Fatal Five'.


Drink driving



Mobile phones


Showing off



Vulnerable road users